Sunday, September 29, 2013

An Update on my Action Research Plan

SuccessMaker Math: An Effective Intervention for Special Education Students?


Blog URL: 


Number of AR Project Documented Hours: 30


AR Project Summary: I began the project with a meeting that included my principal, the campus instructional specialist, the campus technologist, and the SuccessMaker representative in order to discuss the purpose of the SuccessMaker program. Next, I attended training led by the SuccessMaker representative in order to learn about the program’s rationale and how to effectively implement the program. Along with the SuccessMaker representative, I met with first through fifth grade classroom teachers at my school to discuss special education math concerns and the use of SuccessMaker math as an intervention to better meet special education students’ needs. 


Then I created a schedule that ensured all special education students had at least four 15-minute sessions of SuccessMaker math weekly that did not conflict with other interventions or requirements. I also met with the campus technologist to arrange for ten laptop computers to be updated and set up with the appropriate software for implementation of SuccessMaker. This task proved to be the most difficult, as every time there was a Java or Adobe Flash update, the laptops had to be updated in order for SuccessMaker to work. Only the campus technologist has access to do the updates, so I continually relied on her to complete the updates in order to make it possible for students to work on SuccessMaker. Monthly, I meet with the SuccessMaker representative to learn more about how to gather, interpret, and analyze the program’s math data. 


My next step will involve reading relevant literature about the success of SuccessMaker math or similar web-based math interventions. Then I will interpret and analyze all of the data that I have collected, including the performance data from SuccessMaker math, Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) scores, and report card math grades, in order to determine whether students had more growth in math performance with or without the SuccessMaker math intervention as shown by SMI scores and report card grades. Finally, I will evaluate my action plan by presenting the results of my action research to my campus, site supervisor, and online colleagues.